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Welcome to the Idea Box Forum

The Idea Box forum runs by most unique and qualified mastermind group. Our members might be discussing the thoughts of Gandhi and Mother Teresa one moment and then in the same sentence the future concepts of Amartya Sen and Barak Obama. In fact we have heard of conversations where Monalisa, Darwin, Einstein were mentioned and then subsequently heard the names of Tagore, Mandela, Bill Gates, Tatas, Warren buffets and Pele. The important of these dialogues is that it isn’t just talking history but deriving new Ideas that can shape our cities through their creative genius and the brilliance of their concepts.

Nearly every modern challenge humankind faces today is addressed here and there are solutions. Since our Idea Box Forum brings together small net-centric groups located at nationally as well as globally online we have no barriers of locality. Our teams consist of people from all walks of life, all professions i.e mayors, business managers, city managers, civil society, citizens and academia as well. Our goal is to propel unlimited thought and unlimited ideas.

Our local groups often meet once in monthly at a local garden over a tea or coffee. Our mission is to foster a "it’s possible attitude" because we believe no dream is too great for the unlimited mind. As our Idea Box Forum grows, the members & partners get benefit out of it. You too can bring your creative ideas and help in the cause?

Are you interested in joining Idea Box Forum for India’s Urban Future in your city? Then tell us about yourself, please do not be shy, as your talents are the key to our success

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